Frank W. Bratt Ag center, Jamestown, NY 14701

District Board of Directors' Regular Meeting

February 28, 2002


I.  Meeting Called to Order: 1:00 P.M.

    A.  Present:

         David Sturges - Chairman     Debra Kelley - Secretary

         Leon Beightol - Treasurer    David Wilson - Field Manager

         Bob Thompson - Vice-Chair    Rob Halbohm - NRCS

         Fred Croscut - Member        Robert Anderson - Member


II. Minutes of The Previous Meeting:

MOTION by Thompson seconded by Beightol to approve the minutes of the January meeting.Carried.


III.Treasurer's Report:

    MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to accept the Treasurer's report     and pay current bills. Carried.

    A.  The following bills were approved for payment:

              SEE ATTACHED


IV. Correspondence:

    A.  Letter to Leon from NRCS Regarding EQIP - See Attached

    B.  Letter to Dave Sturges from Bill Parment - See Attached

V.  Reports:

    A.  Other Agencies-none

    B.  Committees - none

C.State Committee - none

    D.  District Conservationist - Rob Halbohm

         1.  Approval of 5 FSA Conservation Plans - MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol to approve the FSA plans for Lawrence Green, Bruce Manwaring, Tim Rater, Albert J. Miller, Terry Reasick, Sr. Carried!

2. AMA Program - 7 contracts were approved last year. Most of them were for grazing systems. They are ranking these projects again this year the deadline for this is May 3, 2002. They will look at the applications that they have on hand from last year. The landowners can revise their applications and try to improve their ranking. I will be in contact with them and we will also be taking new applications from landowners.

3. EQIP - You received the letter regarding the application that we sent in for last year. Normally this is the time of year that we have a meeting of the Local Working Group and decide what is going to happen as far as an application for the coming year. Due to the Farm Bill still being up in the air, they have decided not to look for new local priority areas for this year. If EQIP is funded they will use last years area.

District Minutes                                                   Page 2.

District Conservationist (cont.)


    E   District Field Manager - David Wilson

         1.  Trees & Shrubs - Trees and Shrubs are going great, we have about 237 orders for $18,000 of gross income.

         2.  Envirothon - Will be held April 26, 2002 at Long Point State Park. We held a workshop at JCC on February 22,2002. We filled the Forum Theater, 120 students, this was a great turn out.

         3.  Building - We took the project manual to the Law Department to have it review by them. This was completed and we have made the revisions that were requested. We will be going out to bid on Monday. We will be opening bids at the next board meeting at 1:00 PM.

         4.  Legislative Day - Will be held on March 25 & 26, 2002. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to allow staff and directors to attend Legislative Day and reimburse them for expenses. Carried!

         5.  AgLand - AgLand Assessment is coming to an end, to date we have competed 118 parcels.

    F.  District Secretary - Debra Kelley 

         1.  Soil Stewardship Sunday - will be observed on April 28, 2002 at the First Congregational Church UCC, 316 East Fourth Street, Jamestown, NY. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol to give some trees to the church to pass out to the children at the service.

2. Water Quality Technician - We received the final paperwork for this position. I need David Sturges to sign them for me, so we can complete the paperwork.


VI. Old Business

    A.  District 2002 Contract with the County - We have received the contract. Dave Sturges signed it and it was returned to Mayville. We have also received the first half of our appropriations.

    B.  District Credit Card - We are still looking into a credit card with no annual fee. I have applied to Fleet Bank for a credit card with no annual fee.

    C.  Annual Plan of Work - The Annual Plan of work was reviewed by the board. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to approve the Annual Plan of Work. Carried!

    D.  Long Range Plan of Work - The Long Range Plan of Work was reviewed by the board. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to approve the Long Range Plan of Work. Carried!

    E.  Review Policies - Policies were reviewed by the board. MOTION by Anderson seconded by Thompson to approve the Policies. Carried!

    F.  Personnel Appraisals - were completed for all staff members.

    G.  N.Y. State Association Conservation District - Pay Dues - Tabled.

District Minutes                                                   Page 3.


VII.New Business

    A.  State Reimbursement - Covered under Correspondence.

    B.  Tire Cutter - MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut to charge $25.00/day of use. This will help to cover the cost of repairs. The farmer will tell us the number of days he used it. Carried!

    C.  Lesco Turf Seminar - MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol for staff and directors to attend and reimburse them for expenses. Carried!

VIII. RC&D - JoAnn Kurtis

    A.  Schedule of meeting for the remainder of the 2002 - See attached.

    B.  Report - See attached.

IX. Water Quality

    A.  Mini-Grants - 2002 mini-grant request for proposals are out. The WQTF will be submitting a request for funding to investigate poor sewers and septic systems around Findley Lake

    B.  Clean Sweep Project - We hope to complete this project in the spring when we have the second pesticide clean up.


X.  Cooperators none


XI. Next Meeting - Thursday, March 28, 2002, 1:00 P.M. at the Frank Bratt Ag Center, Jamestown, NY. Bid Opening at 1:00PM


XII.Meeting Adjourned

MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to adjourn at 2:30 P.M. Carried!


Debra A. Kelley                        David J. Sturges

Secretary                              Chairman