Unfortunately, we are no longer holding our fish sale. However, our office can still assist you by directing you to local fish hatcheries. Please call us at 716-664-2351 x5 with any questions. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you!

The Farm Fishpond License allows the licensee, their immediate family, and their employees to take fish at any time, in any size, in any number, and in any manner as stipulated in their individual license. The Farm Fishpond License also serves as a stocking permit, eliminating the need to obtain a separate Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) fish stocking permit which is required to stock fish into any waters of the state. The Farm Fishpond License is free and is good for five years.
You can download a “NYS DEC Farm Fishpond License Application” at the bottom of this page. Additional information about the Farm Fishpond License can be found by visiting the DEC’s website at https://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/25013.html

To stock grass carp in a pond in the State of New York you must apply for a Grass Carp Permit from the DEC.  A “NYS DEC Triploid Grass Carp Stocking Permit Application”  can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. Additional information about grass carp permits can be found by visiting the DEC’s website at https://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/25024.html
To apply for the permit, you will need to know the size of your pond in acres, depths, fish species, water sources, and identify the plant species in the pond. Ideally, aquatic weeds should be identified in the summer months when weed densities are high. When the application has been completed it must be returned to the DEC for processing. The DEC will determine the maximum number of grass carp that can be stocked into your pond from the information provided on the application form. The DEC will include a list of grass carp providers when a permit is issued. If you have difficulty filing out your grass carp permit application, please refer to our “How To Fill Out Your Grass Carp Permit” document that can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
If you are uncertain about identifying the weeds in your pond, download the Pondweed Identifier at the bottom of this page. Print the identifier in color and compare it to the vegetation in your pond.
If you have any Grass Carp Permit Application related questions, please call Jim Zanett, Sr. Fish and Wildlife Technician at (716) 379-6372

Return completed Farm Fishpond License Applications and Grass Carp Permit Applications to:

 NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation Reg. 9

Bureau of Fisheries, Attn: Jim Zanett

182 East Union Street

Allegany, NY 14706