Agricultural Environmental Management

Current State of Agriculture in the County


Based on results of the 2017 Census of Agriculture performed by USDA, the market value of agricultural products sold in Chautauqua County was $160,967,000 in 2017. Of the $160,967,000, milk sales accounted for $74,993,000 and fruit products from fruit farms accounted for the remaining $42,556,000. The Dairy and Grape Industry continue to be the largest agricultural industries in the County.
Maple syrup is also an important commodity in Chautauqua County. Maple syrup production increased from 11,114 gallons in 2012 to 37,114 gallons in 2017, ranking Chautauqua County fourth among Maple syrup producing counties in New York State.
Acreage reports in 2017 revealed that 30,390 acres were used for corn production (corn for grain and corn for silage), 1,061 acres were used for wheat production (durum, spring, and winter wheat), and 1,099 acres were used for oat production. It was also reported that, 46,042 acres of land were used for foraging (hay and grass silage) and 27,242 acres were used to produce dry hay in 2017.

Agricultural Environmental Management

Farmers have long been regarded as the original stewards of the land because a farm’s livelihood directly depends on the health and vitality of soil and water resources. Due to the strong presence of agriculture in the economy of the County, the District recognizes the need for maintaining sound agricultural practices to maintain farm productivity for future generations.
Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) is a voluntary, incentive based program designed to help farmers to make science-based, cost-effective decisions to further protect water and soil quality as well as other important natural resources. By participating in the AEM Program, farmers can document their environmental stewardship and contribute to positive impression of agriculture in Chautauqua County.
The AEM assessment, planning and implementation process helps to target limited local, state and federal technical and financial resources to farms with the greatest potential for impacting the environment. To learn more about this program, contact District Field Technician Greg Kolenda.

Grant Programs

Conservation Districts are competitively awarded grants to address natural resource concerns faced by farms such as water quality, soil health, air quality, and irrigation water management. Across New York State, annual funding is allocated to the Climate Resilient Farming Grant Program and Agricultural Non-Point Source Control Abatement and Control Program. Other grants that Districts may use to assist farmers include:
  • Implementation of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Plans on New York State Grown and Certified Farms
  • Source Water Buffer Program
Districts manage the cost-share of funds for projects (whenever funding is available and certain requirements are met), as well as providing planning, design, and construction oversight, often in cooperation with private-sector engineers.

Natural Resource Concerns

  • Water quality contamination of surface and groundwater sources
  • Barnyard management
  • Bunk silo leachate
  • Soil erosion
  • Stream bank siltation

Geographic Areas of Concern by Priority Area

  • Chautauqua Lake Watershed
  • Lake Erie Watershed
  • The Southwest Corner of Chautauqua County (French Creek, Mina, Sherman and Clymer)
  • Conewango Creek Watershed
  • Cassadaga Creek Watershed

Conservation Farm of the Year Award

Each year one farm in Chautauqua County is recognized for their conservation accomplishments with the Conservation Farm of the Year Award. These farms have built a track record of farming by using practices that help them to remain economically viable while protecting the environment. These farms are presented with an AEM sign and plaque to recognize their participation in the AEM program.

Past Conservation Farms of the Year:

  • 2023 Cabhi Farms
  • 2022 Dunnewold Farms
  • 2018 Lesch Farms LLC
  • 2017 R&D Crowell Farms
  • 2016 Grape View Dairy
  • 2015 Knight Vineyards
  • 2014 J-High Acres
  • 2013 Mobilia Vineyards
  • 2012 Country Ayre Farms
  • 2010 Mid-Knight Holsteins
  • 2009 Johnson Estate Winery
  • 2008 Oak View Dairy

Interested in learning more about AEM Programming? Reach out to Greg Kolenda at

Call Us: (716) 664-2351 Ext 5