Chautauqua County Soil & Water Conservation District holds its annual tree and shrub sale to promote landowner conservation practices by offering the public plantings at an affordable rate. Landowners can practice conservation by planting seedlings, transplants and conservation seed mixes to provide food and shelter to wildlife, reduce heating/cooling expenses, protect water quality with buffers, reduce air pollution and stabilize eroded land. Seedlings are an inexpensive way to replace trees that have been damaged, harvested or lost to disease.
All stock that is sold is bare root, meaning the plant is harvested with little or no soil attached to the roots. Because the stock is bare root, plants must be harvested and replanted while in a dormant state and while soil conditions are still moist. Tree protector tubes and stakes, conservation seed mixes and other nonperishable items are also made available.
The 2025 Tree Sale Catalog is now live! You can expect hard copies of the catalog to go out mid-January. It is recommended that you place your order for the season as quickly as possible due to a large number of sales in 2024. 
Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook to receive important sale updates and to learn more about what we do.

As a reminder, orders are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Since all of the stock is preordered, each species is available while quantities last.  As stated in the catalog, the District will contact you before making any substitutions and/or issue refunds should order quantities exceed the quantity available beyond the District’s control.

No refunds shall be given for orders that are not picked up after 7 days past the effective pick-up date. All orders must be pre-paid. No cash will be accepted. Checks should be made out to CHAUT. CO. SWCD. 

If you are not on our tree and shrub mailing list and have not already submitted an inquiry recently, please email  to be added to the District’s mailing list. Include your name, mailing address and email address in your request.